Sunday, May 31, 2009

Protect me from myself

This weekend I have managed to smack my head, hard, and cut my toe, with blood.
I am a danger to myself but not others.
Hard hat and steel toed shoes may be part of my new attire.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The great and frustrating vacation

Ashley, Cally, Regan, and lauren all came for a fun visit with grandad, aka Scary Jerry.
As you can see by the 2 pictures I have posted we did have a great time. We even had my good friend Barb and her daughter Christina join us for a trip around the zoo.
A day trip to San Francisco was to be the highlight of their trip and we had great fun at the Golden Gate Bridge and at Fishermans Warf. ( Stay tuned for picture posts )
Then the travel gremlins struck and the Utah clan were stranded and hope to be headed home thursday. The good news is that they have had the opportunity to play a little extra while grandpa slaes away at work.
We are all hoping that their car is fixed and they are headed home soon.