Friday, June 26, 2009

WOW! What a Week!

I think it is time for a restful weekend at home.

After spending last weekend in Eureka seeing my favorite MD and hanging with some of my favorite people, sucking down some bloody mary's, beer, oysters, tromping through the giant redwood forest the week kicked into high gear and I hit it hard getting alot accomplished and then the week ended with a sparky incident with lots of smoke and firemen. All is well, and now I am home with my butt placed in the recliner and here I will stay until I awake at 2 am, cussing myself out for falling asleep in front of the tube. Ahhh, but providing my workplace does not call, I will sleep, and rest for the entire weekend.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Back in Time

Today as I was attempting to download an updated version on my blackberry I may have done something wrong. The instructions said that it would take about 2 hours to complete the download and now it is 9pm and the process started at 10am. Nothing to look at on the screen just a blinking red light in the upper right corner.
So, no phone to speak of...
Can you remember when there was no cell phones, blogs, e-mail and computers were as big as a house. How did we ever get along? I can remember writing letters! A phone call was made and you could not talk to long because you were tying up the line for not only those in your house but if you had a party line you could be tying up the line for the whole neighborhood.
Now a piece of technology goes out and we feel like we are communication impaired.
I have no answers for the problem but how would it be living off the grid. Just think, no phone calls at dinner time. Of course there would actually be a dinner not a time that we find an opportunity to eat.
Soap boxy, eh?